.BYI. I talk a LOT a lot (but I do enjoy listening) , I will say the most random things out of nowhere , I make very unfunny jokes most of the time honestly , I either take 2 milliseconds to respond or 2 millenniums
.DNI. Loserz that make fun of scene/emo (or any alt style as a matter of fact) ppl just cause they’re Emo/scene!!! Actual weridoz that think itz cool to make pedophilic jokes like “game is game” etc, homophobes, racists, transphobes, ableist, sexist/misogynists, nerds!! /j, Swifties /hj


.PEOPLE. Miles ១ Yara ១ Arlo ១ Miguel ១ Angie ១ Vicky

.TV SHOWS. BoJack Horseman ១ Breaking Bad ១ Scott Pilgrim Takes Off ១ Inside Job ១ Moral Orel ១ IANOWT ១ Brooklyn Nine-Nine ១ Invader Zim

.FILMS. Fight Club ១ Whiplash ១ Pulp Fiction ១ Perks Of Being A Wallflower ១ Girl Interrupted

.ARTISTS/BANDS. Radiohead ១ Mitski ១ My Chemical Romance ១ Sleeping With Sirens ១ Pierce the Veil ១ Tyler, The Creator ១ Rites of Spring ១ Sunny Day Real Estate ១ Weezer ១ Millionaires ១ Brokencyde ១ 3OH!3 ១ Dot Dot Curve ១ I Set My Friends On Fire

.VIDEO GAMES. Dead Plate ១ Elevator Hitch ១ Cold Front ១ TLOU ១ Class of 09 ១ Detroit Become Human ១ GTA V ១ Minecraft ១ Stardew Valley ១ Roblox


My six cats and three dogs, emo music, scene music, Fight Club, I really love fight club, BoJack Horseman, I REALLYYYY LOVE BOJACK HORSEMANN!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!


Taylor Swift, sorry!!